Fragile Earth:
Data Science for Intelligent Food, Energy, and Water (DSIFEr)
August 14th, 2017
Workshop Videos
08:00-08:15 Welcome & Introduction
08:15-09:00 Keynote: Malcolm Campbell (VP of Research, Univ. of Guelph)
09:00-10:00 Presentations 1: Energy & Water
09:00-09:20 G. Zheng et al, “Assessing environmental impacts of Shale-gas development”
09:20-09:40 H. Wang et al, “A smart water management framework based on Big Data and IoT”
09:40-10:00 J. Costa, et al “Data analytics in aquaculture”
10:00-10:30 Coffee break
10:30-10:45 Invited Talk: Melissa Cragin (Midwest Big Data Hub)
10:45-12:00 Presentations 2: Food
10:45-11:04 Denton, et al, “Window-based fractal dimension as geospatial data type”
11:04-11:23 M. Yu, et al, “Multi-task learning using task clustering with applications to predictive modeling and GWAS of plant varieties”
11:23-11:41 A. Goun, “Structural optimization of multi-chromophore fluorescence detection experiments”
11:41-12:00 J. Harris, “A machine learning approach to forecasting consumer food prices”
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-13:40 Keynote: Dan Dyer (Global Head, Seed Development, Syngenta)
13:40-15:00 Presentations 3: AI Challenge
13:40-14:00 T. Aviv et al, “Ensemble of Cubist models for soy yield prediction using soil features and remote sensing variables”
14:00-14:20 H. Lin et al, “Gradient boosting model in predicting soybean yield and probabilistic decision-making in elite selection”
14:20-14:40 D. Jajetic, “SNP-based soybean variety selection”
14:40-15:00 Q. Pan, et al, “Portfolio selection and yield prediction report”
15:00-15:30 Coffee break
15:30-15:45 AI Crop Challenge Awards
15:45-16:45 Panel: “Bringing Intelligence to Global Sustainable Development”
"With unprecedented attention on Data Science and Artificial Intelligence in practically every industry, what impact can intelligent technologies have on some of the biggest challenges we face as a global community over the next 30 years? How do we get there? What are the biggest obstacles we will have to overcome?"
Data Science for Intelligent Food, Energy, and Water
Who is the Workshop for?
- KDD researchers and practitioners, statisticians and data scientists interested in making an impact through their work;
- Agronomists, crop scientists, agricultural practitioners (farmers, cooperatives), industrial players (seed producers, equipment manufacturers, fertilizer producers, consumer products manufacturers and retailers, insurance companies);
- Energy utility companies, water companies, private stakeholders;
- Hydrologists, Environmental Scientists, Climatologists, and any other related sciences;
- Food, energy, and water related government agencies and policy makers in public sector.

Naoki Abe
Distinguished Research Staff Member, IBM Research AI

James Hodson
CEO, AI for Good Foundation, Chief Science Officer, Cognism, Inc. Researcher, Jozef Stefan Institute, Artificial Intelligence Lab
Other Organizers

Chid Apte
IBM Research, Director of Blockchain, Cognitive Solutions and Mathematical Sciences

Rayid Ghani
Director, Center for Data Science and Public Policy, University of Chicago

Marko Grobelnik
Research Director, Jozef Stefan Institute

Estevam Rafael Hruschka Junior
Associate Professor at Federal University of Sao Carlos DC-UFSCar. Adjunct Professor at Carnegie Mellon University MLD-CMU

Vipin Kumar
University of Minnesota, Head of Computer Science and Engineering

Shashi Shekhar
University of Minnesota, McKnight Distinguished University Professor, Department of Computer Science

Mitch Tuinstra
Purdue University, Professor of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Wickersham Chair of Excellence in Agricultural Research

Ranga Raju Vatsavai
North Carolina State University (Joint Faculty, Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Associate Professor, Associate Director of Center for Geospatial Analytics